
Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Back to the Jungle

Hello dear friends and family,

No we are not in the jungle, we are in a city called Huancavelica, we shall give some details about this beautiful city in future posts. In the next few posts we will be going back in time and relating a few experiences that we have seen and heard since being in Peru and serving where the need is greater, ones that we have not had the opportunity to mention in early posts, sorry if we accidentally repeat.

Hope you enjoy these catch up posts with with some little hints of what we are up to right now :)

Lets go back to La Banda de Shilcayo, Tarapoto, Peru around 2014.

On day a publisher was preaching doing some return visits and found a nice older lady at a return visit but wasn't the same person as last time. The publisher did a simple presentation based on the Watchtower of the month and the lady listened and then mentioned she was going through a hard time with serious health problems, and was worried as she is a grandma that supports some of her older children and grandchildren as they are not doing well economically.
As conversation continued the lady insinuated that she wanted to study the bible quite a few times, and then she just outright asked to study the bible.
A bible study was started and she continued to make progress spiritually.
We just never know where the kingdom message will have fruit.

Keep posted for more short experiences,
Josh and Sarah Rado

Here is a photo of the beautiful jungle of Tarapoto, Peru:

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