
Thursday, November 9, 2017

Hvca - to get to the Regional Assembly

Hello dear friends and family,

Here's a little experience of a bible students efforts to get to the regional assembly this year.
Many people here in Peru work long hard days just for minimum wage that just gets them by. This is the situation of a Bible student who at the moment is an unbaptized publisher. She is one we mentioned in another post how she saved up to get married so she could progress.
So to get the Regional Assembly from Huancavelica is not that easy. 1. It is not in the local city, it is at a city about 3 hours by car, 4 hours by bus, 5 hours by train. 2. It is not cheap to get there as a family. 3. Accommodation is limited and also expensive.
Well, what does this lady with a huge love for Jehovah do? She bakes some simple cakes and goes out every day outside of her normal work and household responsibilities to sell the cakes around the town. Jehovah blessed her efforts because she made enough to pay for her whole family to get all three days of the convention.

This is just one beautiful experience we have seen this year. Will be posting some more in the weeks to come and an update on the Kingdom Hall construction here in Huancavelica.

Here's a photo of some of our beautiful sisters enjoying the new Kingdom Hall:

Thank you always for your support and please share with whoever would enjoy.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Hvca - Kingdom Hall construction update

Hello everyone,

Here's a bit of an update on the construction of the very first kingdom in Huancavelica.
The support has been beautiful to see. Around 70 volunteers a day from all parts of the country. We have been helping out a lot in the kitchen department and wow, there is a lot of work done there. The kitchen team starts at 5:30am and finishes 7pm or later, the sisters are working very hard making delicious food. Sometimes they are cooking for 110 people.

The actual construction is advancing nicely, below are some recent photos.

Share with anyone that would like to see.
More updates coming soon

Sunday market - food for the construction week

Walls are going up

Monday, September 18, 2017

Hvca - Prison Witnessing

Dear friends and family,

Here's an experience that is ongoing, prison witnessing in Huancavelica.
The brothers have now and then been preaching in the prison here in Huancavelica over the years, both in the female and male prison. A couple of years ago that arrangement stopped but recently has started again.
Around April this year we started attending the prison again with amazing success. The brothers and sisters where very excited but also nervous about this form of witnessing as many had never done it before. Within the first week, though, there where around 15 bible studies started in the female prison and around 5 in the male prison. As we are only allowed to enter 2 at a time with about only 2 and a half hours of allotted time the sisters have had to do group studies, with around 6-8 in each group. The inmates move there seats in rows ready for there study each week. Many have expressed there thanks for visiting them and helping them learn about the bible.

Well there more to this story, so keep posted.
Feel free to share this experience or follow our blog.

P.s. Look forward to seeing some of you very soon in Australia.

Here's a photo of Sarah and another sister as there about to enter the prison:

Friday, September 8, 2017

Hvca - Student efforts to progress

Hello again dear friends and family,

Here's a nice experience we saw recently in Huancavelica.

First the experience. This student of the bible has been studying for quite a few years and quite a few members of her family are already in the truth. She has a young little girl that loves Jehovah as well. Well for many years she could not progress because she wasn't legally married and her partner, although not opposed and even studied for a while, did not want to get married. One of the major issues was economy. Well she was determined, she took advantage of the local laws that now and then have free civil weddings and did all the paperwork by herself to get married. There's always a cost involved which she covered with her savings from her small internet store. Jehovah blessed her efforts and is now a publisher going out in the ministry with your little daughter. She is so happy and her husband is now attending meetings now and then. Here's a photo of her with her daughter out in the ministry.

There is more to this beautiful story that we shall post very soon...

Keep posted, please follow and share with ones that would enjoy.

Sending our love to all

Monday, August 28, 2017

Hvca - Giving spirit from community

Hello dear friends,

Heres a little update on the construction of the new kingdom hall in Huancavelica (Hvca).
The construction has been going great and have had some beautiful willing brothers and sisters that have come to help. Just last week we had over 70 volunteers that had come to help, some have come as far away as 12 hours on bus.

The bible students have shown such an appreciative spirit about the construction that many have donated food products. One couple gave around 100 oranges, another a chicken, another 50kg of potatoes and the list goes on.
The whole town knows about the construction and are very happy about it. Huge praise to Jehovah's name.

Keep checking back for new adventures.

Heres a photo of buying the groceries for the week, very happy with the security as well, keeping all the groceries safe and sound.

Please share this blog with anyone that would like to read about what happening in Peru. You can share it by clicking on the "Share" links below.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Hvca - Construction experience

Hello friends,

Just wanted to share a little experience from today in Hvca (Huancavelica, Peru)

At the moment we are building a new Kingdom Hall in Huancavelica, it is the first Kingdom Hall in all of the State. It's has been so amazing to see brothers and sisters travel from different parts of the country to help out. But more about the construction in another post.

So today Sarah was walking to the kitchen site to help with cooking lunch for the construction team and popped into a mini store to buy some groceries. Sarah and the store owner started a conversation, the lady asked what Sarah was doing in Hvca (Huancavelica) and so Sarah explained that she is here doing volunteer work as a Jehovah's Witness and that it just so happens that we are building a new Kingdom Hall in the area. The lady asked in Spanish, "Does that have something to do with the letters JW?" Sarah said, "Yes". The lady explained that her sister living in Italy had told her to look up the website JW telling her that it is a great website with heaps of information, including for the family. The lady had written down on a piece of paper the website as, Sarah corrected it to and encouraged her to look it up.
A little return visit was started.

Till next time friends

Heres a photo of the construction site:

P.S. please feel free to share these posts with anyone you feel would enjoy them, you can use the links below if you like

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Back to the Jungle

Hello dear friends and family,

No we are not in the jungle, we are in a city called Huancavelica, we shall give some details about this beautiful city in future posts. In the next few posts we will be going back in time and relating a few experiences that we have seen and heard since being in Peru and serving where the need is greater, ones that we have not had the opportunity to mention in early posts, sorry if we accidentally repeat.

Hope you enjoy these catch up posts with with some little hints of what we are up to right now :)

Lets go back to La Banda de Shilcayo, Tarapoto, Peru around 2014.

On day a publisher was preaching doing some return visits and found a nice older lady at a return visit but wasn't the same person as last time. The publisher did a simple presentation based on the Watchtower of the month and the lady listened and then mentioned she was going through a hard time with serious health problems, and was worried as she is a grandma that supports some of her older children and grandchildren as they are not doing well economically.
As conversation continued the lady insinuated that she wanted to study the bible quite a few times, and then she just outright asked to study the bible.
A bible study was started and she continued to make progress spiritually.
We just never know where the kingdom message will have fruit.

Keep posted for more short experiences,
Josh and Sarah Rado

Here is a photo of the beautiful jungle of Tarapoto, Peru:

Monday, August 7, 2017

Back Online

Hello dear friends and family,

It has been nearly around 2 years since our last blog post. Very sorry about this.
We hope you have been able to see some of our activity on Instagram.

We are pleased to let you know that we will be posting more regularly over the next few months. We will be writing up some beautiful experiences that we have witnessed or heard about while we have been in Peru. As always we love to hear your beautiful experiences as well.

Keep posted,

Love Josh and Sarah