
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Past Year Summed Up

Hello our dear friends,
I have to apologise that we have not update our blog in such a long time. These last few months have been very busy. But heres is a bit of a sum up of the past year.

We have now been serving in La Banda de Shilcayo congregation in Tarapoto, Peru, for a year now and it has been an absolute blessing. Jehovah has shown us that this is the best life for us and we are loving seeing his guidance and support in all that we are doing. Through out this past year we have had the privilege of having 25 bible studies between Sarah and I. 6 of our studies are attending the meeting and that puts us on a spiritual high. We have the amazing privilege of being able to come back to Australia for the International Assembly in Melbourne. We also got to visit our dear Mark and Naomi in bethel Australia for a few days and that was a beautiful experience.

I will relate one of our beautiful experiences that Jehovah has given us. We went out witnessing one morning and I worked with a young brother in our congregation, and we where talking away and I asked him if he had any studies or return visits, his reply was, "I had one study but I have none at the moment." So i asked why that was the case, he didn't really know what to say, but it seemed that he just needed a bit of encouragement. Well I prayed for Jehovah to help him get the confidence to start a return visit. Sure enough the next door he did he found a teenager around his age that was very interested in the bible, they conversed and found out they where in the same school, the young brother showed him the bible teach book and confidently asked the householder if he would like a bible study - he accepted. And they arranged to do the study in a weeks time. As we left the house the teenage boy stopped us and said that his grandma wanted to talk to us, now I thought she was going to tell us off, but it was the opposite. She said that she has been very sick suffering with diabetes and she had been praying for someone to come and teach her about the bible and show her hope, in her pray she also asked God for someone to come and help her grandson as he is a sweet kid but she is worried that the bad in the world would corrupt him. She invited us into her home and we talked for some time with her and showed her the bible teach book and how the study works, well she pretty much asked for a bible study. So we arranged a time to come back the following week, and invited her and her grandson to the meeting.
That week at the meeting I was running around and a brother approached me around half way through the meeting and said someone is asking for me outside - sure enough it was this dear grandma with her grandson. They came in and loved the meeting - the following study we showed her how the watchtower is done and she had in prepared for the following meeting. What I loved about this little experience was how it affected that dear young brother, he always was at meetings with his mum and would rarely give answers and didn't really show a whole lot of interest in the meetings - but when he saw his study come to the meeting that day, he was on a high, he ran around getting him a bible and song book, showing his young study all the brothers and the young friends he had in the congregation, he was so happy. Since then they have been regularly having a study and the young brother is having more participation in the meetings.
Jehovah is surely speeding up the work and it is so amazing how he encourages us all to keep going in this wicked system.

 Well that was just one of the beautiful experience we have enjoyed this year - we will try to update the blog post a bit more regularly. But at the moment we are in Melbourne, Australia, for the International Assembly -  we are so excited to have an assembly in english and be able to understand all of it hahahahaha, even more so that it is an International - hope to catch up with some of you there.
We shall be heading back to Peru in the middle of November, shall try to keep you all posted. We would like to thank all of you for your loving support that encourages us to keep doing what we can in Jehovah's service. We say thank you to our family that has given us so much encouragement and support.
We shall post photos on Google+.

May Jehovah continue to be with you all.
Joshua & Sarah Rado